I have to ask: why does darcs use SHA-1?

On the one hand, SHA-1 is cryptographically fragile and is deprecated for use in applications that require collision-resistance and pre- image resistance. SHA-2 is the current standard for those applications (SHA-2 is about twice as expensive in CPU [1]), and SHA-3 is under development.

On the other hand, why does darcs need a cryptographically secure hash function at all? Wouldn't MD5 or a sufficiently wide CRC, such as the one used in ZFS [2], do just as well? They would certainly be a lot faster to compute.

Is there some behavior on the part of some malicious actor that darcs tries to prevent, such that the collision-resistance (such as it is) of SHA-1 is necessary to prevent it?



[1] http://cryptopp.com/benchmarks.html
[2] http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/entry/zfs_end_to_end_data
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