On Saturday 26 January 2008, Keith Fahlgren wrote:
> Perhaps a more modern approach would be StAX[1]-like rather than SAX-like?
> In either case, streaming, non-DOM.
> I am concerned by the number of people expressing willingness to abandon
> namespace support, but perhaps I'm being too much of a purist....

> Keith

StAX is fine for a very wide range of applications, including web services. In 
the web-service domain, namespaces and entity expansion and xsd are not 
optional extras, but these can be layered on top of StAX rather than a more 
DOM-like structure.

Just as a reality check, we regularly stream xml messages between web services 
in Java where the message bodies are many gig in size, using StAX, and 
neither the client or server need anything other than a constant memory 
overhead, as the portions of the message are generated and consumed in a 
streaming manner. It would be very nice if we could do similar things in 

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