> On Saturday 26 January 2008, Keith Fahlgren wrote:
> > Perhaps a more modern approach would be StAX[1]-like rather than SAX-like?
> > In either case, streaming, non-DOM.
> >
> > I am concerned by the number of people expressing willingness to abandon
> > namespace support, but perhaps I'm being too much of a purist....
> > Keith
> StAX is fine for a very wide range of applications, including web services. 
> In 
> the web-service domain, namespaces and entity expansion and xsd are not 
> optional extras, but these can be layered on top of StAX rather than a more 
> DOM-like structure.
> Just as a reality check, we regularly stream xml messages between web 
> services 
> in Java where the message bodies are many gig in size, using StAX, and 
> neither the client or server need anything other than a constant memory 
> overhead, as the portions of the message are generated and consumed in a 
> streaming manner. It would be very nice if we could do similar things in 
> haskell.

Lazy evaluation FTW. :)

-- Don
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