Don Stewart wrote:
I started a AMQP library; there really isn't a lot there but at least
I was able to connect to the server.  Here is the code and hopefully
someone else can continue with the project.

Would you like this packaged up for, so others can
find and improve it? (or maybe move the repo to
As I said in an earlier message to Haskell Cafe, I've been working on AMQP as well. Berlin's approach seems to have been to hand-code a minimum client and then expand from there, whereas I have been working on an automatic translation from the XML protocol spec to the framing layer of AMQP. The two efforts ought to be merged, although I haven't got the content message type implemented yet.

I believe I have a account, although I'm not sure how to use darcs with it. Perhaps Don could advise me on the steps I would need to take to get my code into a repository on the server.

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