On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 10:57 +0000, Bayley, Alistair wrote:

> I'm wondering what the relationship is (if any) between code.haskell.org
> and darcs.haskell.org.

darcs.haskell.org hosts ghc, the core libs and many others. The server
is maintained by Galois. Because it hosts the most central bits of the
haskell platform, security is fairly tight and getting an account there
is hard. There are very few community members with root privileges.

community.haskell.org was created precisely to provide hosting to the
wider community. It is hosted commercially, paid for by haskell.org's
Google Summer of Code funds. We have several community admins with root

> A bunch o' questions:
>  - should my project(s) be hosted at darcs or code ?


It's easy to get an account there via the web submission system.

>  - is one more blessed/preferred over the other for community projects?

Yes, code.haskell.org is preferred.

>  - if my project is currently on darcs, should I migrate to code?

You can if you like, there is no need to do so however. Accounts on
darcs.haskell.org are not going to be revoked as far as I know. The
community server is an addition, not a replacement.

>  - if I have an account on darcs, will it work on code, or do I need to
> get a new account on code?

They are totally separate systems.


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