On Jan 27, 2008 11:49 AM, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oh, yes, they are really still study 19th century physics, but not
> because of great mind, but due to age of university professors. i've
> studied at Moscow University in 89-91 and department of computer
> languages still studied Lisp at those times (!). a few months ago i
> have a conversation with today student and they still learn Lisp (!!!).
> it seems that they will switch to more modern FP languages no earlier
> that this concrete professor, head of PL department, which in 60s done
> interesting AI research, will dead, or at least go to the pension
I've learned Haskell in MEPhI. And Lisp seems to be really popular now
due to Paul Graham.

What I really want to mention is that the philosophy of education in
Russia consider "modern" irrelevant. "Modern" changes really fast and
it is not any better to teach something modern then outdated, except
if you are going to create some ballast of Java programmers who will
prevent progress and preserve market stability, i. e. really be
outdated. What university try to do is teach you how to swim really
good, so you'll have a better chances to find out where to swim. I
mean they teach you to learn, not anything else. Everything else is
just a pretty bonus.

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