On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Hans,
> Sunday, January 27, 2008, 5:02:57 PM, you wrote:
> > This reminds me, I worked at a Dutch telecomm software production
> > company for a short while in 1999 and they had two Russian software
> > engineers there, one from St. Petersburg and one from Wladiwostok, both
> > female and under 25 years of age. They programmed in C and were highly
> > respected by their managers and colleagues! So, there are at least
> > counterexamples :-)
> no. you should asked them HOW they learned programming and i'm pretty
> sure (knowing too much about our universities and institutes) that
> they were just a self-learned - like myself. generally speaking, our
> higher education now just starting to teach students "new" Java
> technologies - you can imagine how old is knowledge they get there.
> actually, all the good russian programmers i ever seen are
> self-learned

Many things I need today for math and computer science I have acquired in
an auto-didactic way. These are usually the things I can remember most
easily. Isn't it a good education system if it allows, or supports, or
encourages or forces you to learn this way? :-)
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