OK, so just for fun, I decided to try implementing a parallel merge sort using the seq and par combinators. My plan was to generate some psuedo-random data and time how long it takes to sort it. To try to account for lazy evaluation, what the program actually does is this:

1. Write the input data to disk without any sorting. (This ought to force it to be fully evaluated.)
2. Sort and save the data to disk 8 times. (So I can average the runtimes.)

This is done with two data sets - one with 1 million items, and another with 2 million rows. Each data set is run through both the purely sequential algorithm and a simple parallel one. (Split the list in half, merge-sort each half in parallel, and then merge them.)

The results of this little benchmark utterly defy comprehension. Allow me to enumerate:

Weird thing #1: The first time you sort the data, it takes a few seconds. The other 7 times, it takes a split second - roughly 100x faster. Wuh?

Weird thing #2: The parallel version runs *faster* than the sequential one in all cases - even with SMP disabled! (We're only talking a few percent faster, but still.)

Weird thing #3: Adding the "-threaded" compiler option makes *everything* run a few percent faster. Even with only 1 OS thread.

Weird thing #4: Adding "-N2" makes *everything* slow down a few percent. In particular, Task Manager shows only one CPU core in use.

Adding more than 2 OS threads makes everything slow down even further - but that's hardly surprising.

Can anybody explain any of this behaviour? I have no idea what I'm benchmarking, but it certainly doesn't appear to be the performance of a parallel merge sort!

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