On Wed, 14 May 2008, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 May 14, at 14:34, Dan Weston wrote:

So I've always wondered, if you are writing down a number being dictated (slowly) by someone else, like 234, do you write the 2, then leave space and write the 4, then go back and fill in with 3? Or do you push the 4 onto the stack until the 3 arrives, and write 34 at once.

If the latter, does this imply that Germans have a harder time with tail recursion?

Stacking, surely: recall the joke about the German professor who saved all his verbs for the end of the lecture. :)

Interesting to know what jokes are told about Germans. 8-] So, do English professors save their prepositions for the end of a lecture?
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