
Am 12.01.2009 um 14:37 schrieb Henning Thielemann:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Jan Christiansen wrote:

I am not sure whether this would be a good idea. The original version makes a lot of suggestions which are not satisfiable but it is not at all trivial to decide which are satisfiable and which are not. I have rewritten StrictCheck from scratch to overcome this problem. But the current implementation is not presentable right now and I have no formal prove that the criterion that I am using is correct.

As I said, the current version is already very useful. I have applied it to several basic functions and found a lot to improve.

OK, I am sorry for my negative attitude. I just have had some negative experiences where the tool made suggestions, I implemented them and afterwards the tool made complains about another case. In fact it was not possible to fulfil both cases at all. But it was very difficult to detect these cases.

I would be very interested in functions that can be improved with respect to non-strictness as test cases for my work.

Cheers Jan
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