It's too bad Visual Haskell was not continued, since a free version of the
Visual Studio platform is available now.
I felt Visual Haskell was very promising, like on the fly type inference
with tool tips, code completion, built in Cabal support, etc...

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:50 PM, John A. De Goes <> wrote:

> Not that you're looking to switch editors, but if you want something a
> little more hassle-free:
> Regards,
> John
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
>  I have a silly problem.
>> I'm using Emacs with the Haskell mode extension on Windows
>> I have a source file in say
>> c:/foo/src/main.hs
>> main.hs is importing some other modules in that same src directory
>> When I invoke GHCi from within Emacs, the first thing it does is
>> :cd c:/foo
>> and then
>> :load "src/main.hs"
>> But of course GHCi won't find the imported modules now, since the current
>> directory is wrong.
>> If I type in GHCi
>> :cd src
>> :load "main.hs"
>> then it compiles fine.
>> Does anyone have an idea why Emacs or the Haskell mode is switching to the
>> parent directory of src instead of src itself, and how to fix this?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Peter
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