After emacs started your GHCi session, when you manually type
:cd "the full path of the directory of your Main.hs"
:load "Main.hs"

Does it work then?

Can you use GHCi from outside Emacs?

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Andrew Wagner <>wrote:

> Hmm, strange. This doesn't appear to fix my problem. Perhaps I have
> something bigger broken locally :(
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Peter Verswyvelen <>wrote:
>> indeed, that works! the comment above those lines is:
>> ";; Not sure if it's useful/needed and if it actually works."
>> :-)
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov <
>> > wrote:
>>> On my Mac I've had the same problem. Commenting out lines
>>>          (unless (equal default-directory root)
>>>            (setq default-directory root)
>>>            (inferior-haskell-send-command
>>>             proc (concat ":cd " default-directory)))
>>> solved it for me.
>>> On 22 Jan 2009, at 20:23, Andrew Wagner wrote:
>>>  Interesting. I have a similar, but worse problem. For me, ':load'ing
>>>> main.hs would fail to find the imported files. The only thing I appear to 
>>>> be
>>>> able to :load is files that don't import from local directories.
>>>> 2009/1/22 Peter Verswyvelen <>
>>>> I have a silly problem.
>>>> I'm using Emacs with the Haskell mode extension on Windows
>>>> I have a source file in say
>>>> c:/foo/src/main.hs
>>>> main.hs is importing some other modules in that same src directory
>>>> When I invoke GHCi from within Emacs, the first thing it does is
>>>> :cd c:/foo
>>>> and then
>>>> :load "src/main.hs"
>>>> But of course GHCi won't find the imported modules now, since the
>>>> current directory is wrong.
>>>> If I type in GHCi
>>>> :cd src
>>>> :load "main.hs"
>>>> then it compiles fine.
>>>> Does anyone have an idea why Emacs or the Haskell mode is switching to
>>>> the parent directory of src instead of src itself, and how to fix this?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Peter
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