On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 00:45, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki <gte...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 00:07, Valentyn Kamyshenko <kam...@kamysh.org>wrote:
>> Hello John,
>> I'm trying to install the new version of HDBC on my Mac (ghc version is
>> 6.10.1), and get the following error:
>> # cabal upgrade --global
>> Resolving dependencies...
>> 'HDBC-2.0.0' is cached.
>> Configuring HDBC-2.0.0...
>> Preprocessing library HDBC-2.0.0...
>> Preprocessing executables for HDBC-2.0.0...
>> Building HDBC-2.0.0...
>> [1 of 7] Compiling Database.HDBC.SqlValue ( Database/HDBC/SqlValue.hs,
>> dist/build/Database/HDBC/SqlValue.o )
>> [2 of 7] Compiling Database.HDBC.ColTypes ( Database/HDBC/ColTypes.hs,
>> dist/build/Database/HDBC/ColTypes.o )
>> [3 of 7] Compiling Database.HDBC.Statement ( Database/HDBC/Statement.hs,
>> dist/build/Database/HDBC/Statement.o )
>> Database/HDBC/Statement.hs:113:9:
>>    Type constructor `Exception' used as a class
>>    In the instance declaration for `Exception SqlError'
>> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
>> HDBC-2.0.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
>> exit: ExitFailure 1
> I got the same error: Windows XP, GHC 6.10.1.
> For some reason imported Control.Exception module appears to be 6.8.*
> version.

I found a (temporary) fix: change dependancy in .cabal file to state "base
>= 4". Otherwise cabal-install selects base-3 which is the cause of the

All best

Christopher Skrzętnicki
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