> Hello John,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:42:24 AM, you wrote:
> >> this is true for *application* code, but for codec you may have lots of
> >> code that just compute, compute, compute
> > Yes indeed. If there is code like this out there for haskell, I would
> > love to add it as a test case for jhc.
> Crypto library has a lot of native haskell code computing hashes and
> encrypting data
> hopefully people will show other examples
> btw, Galois Cryptol has haskell backend, are you know? with jhс
> compilation it can probably generate as fast code as C backend does.
> it will be very interesting for us and even look as something close to
> production usage. i have crossposted message to Don

That's a very interesting idea. The output from Cryptol is self
contained enough, and simple, numerical code, that JHC probably could
handle it -- it doesn't require extensive libraries or runtime support,
for example. This warrents investigation.

Thanks for the suggestion!

-- Don
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