Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Claus Reinke <> wrote:

> A platform-independent, open-source, 2d/3d graph layout engine
> for incrementally updated graphs (where the graph after the update
> has to be similar enough to the one before that one can follow the
> animation and make sense of the data displayed) might be a good
> project for frp+opengl hackers - force equations between nodes,
> influenced by edges, and keeping the structure stable while adding
> nodes (parsed from an input stream).

Something like this?

Yes, I'm all for it :-) The only problem is finding time to do it :-(
Although QuickSilver might be able to pull this off easily?

>  This cabalized project doesn't appear to be on hackage!
>> gleb.alexeev:
>>> Don Stewart wrote:
>>>> I am pleased to announce the release of vacuum-cairo, a Haskell library
>>>> for interactive rendering and display of values on the GHC heap using
>>>> Matt Morrow's vacuum library.
>>> Awesome stuff, kudos to you and Matt Morrow!
>>> I thought it'd be fun to visualize data structures in three dimensions.
>>> Attached is quick and dirty hack based on your code and Ubigraph server
>>> (
>>> The demo video (apologies for poor quality):
>>> If someone finds it fun enough, I'll cabalize it and upload to Hackage.
>>  module Ubigraph where
>>> import Network.XmlRpc.Client
>>> type Url = String
>>> type VertexId = Int
>>> type EdgeId = Int
>>> defaultServer = "";
>>> void :: IO Int -> IO ()
>>> void m = m >> return ()
>>> clear :: Url -> IO ()
>>> clear url = void (remote url "ubigraph.clear")
>>> newVertex :: Url -> IO VertexId
>>> newVertex url = remote url "ubigraph.new_vertex"
>>> newEdge :: Url -> VertexId -> VertexId -> IO EdgeId
>>> newEdge url = remote url "ubigraph.new_edge"
>>> removeVertex :: Url -> VertexId -> IO ()
>>> removeVertex url vid = void (remote url "ubigraph.remove_vertex" vid)
>>> removeEgde :: Url -> EdgeId -> IO ()
>>> removeEgde url eid= void (remote url "ubigraph.remove_edge" eid)
>>> zeroOnSuccess :: IO Int -> IO Bool
>>> zeroOnSuccess = fmap (==0)
>>> newVertexWithId :: Url -> VertexId -> IO Bool
>>> newVertexWithId url vid = zeroOnSuccess (remote url
>>> "ubigraph.new_vertex_w_id" vid)
>>> newEdgeWithId :: Url -> EdgeId -> VertexId -> VertexId -> IO Bool
>>> newEdgeWithId url eid x y = zeroOnSuccess (remote url
>>> "ubigraph.new_edge_w_id" eid x y)
>>> setVertexAttribute :: Url -> VertexId -> String -> String -> IO Bool
>>> setVertexAttribute url vid attr val = zeroOnSuccess (remote url
>>> "ubigraph.set_vertex_attribute" vid attr val)
>>> setEdgeAttribute :: Url -> VertexId -> String -> String -> IO Bool
>>> setEdgeAttribute url eid attr val = zeroOnSuccess (remote url
>>> "ubigraph.set_edge_attribute" eid attr val)
>>  module VacuumUbigraph where
>>> import GHC.Vacuum
>>> import Data.Char
>>> import Text.Printf
>>> import Data.List
>>> import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
>>> import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
>>> import qualified Ubigraph as U
>>> nodeStyle n =
>>>    case nodeName n of
>>>      ":"  -> ("(:)", "cube", "#0000ff")
>>>      -- atomic stuff is special
>>>      k | k `elem` ["S#" ,"I#" ,"W#"
>>>                   ,"I8#" ,"I16#" ,"I32#" ,"I64#"
>>>                   ,"W8#" ,"W16#" ,"W32#" ,"W64#"] -> (showLit n,
>>> "sphere", "#00ff00")
>>>      -- chars
>>>      "C#" -> (show . chr . fromIntegral . head . nodeLits $ n, "sphere",
>>> "#00ff00")
>>>      "D#" -> ("Double", "sphere", "#009900")
>>>      "F#" -> ("Float", "sphere", "#009900")
>>>      -- bytestrings
>>>      "PS"    -> (printf "ByteString[%d,%d]" (nodeLits n !! 1) (nodeLits n
>>> !! 2), "cube", "#ff0000")
>>>      "Chunk" -> (printf "Chunk[%d,%d]" (nodeLits n !! 1) (nodeLits n !!
>>> 2), "cube", "#ff0000")
>>>      -- otherwise just the constructor and local fields
>>>      c   | z > 0 ->
>>>                    (c ++ show (take (fromIntegral z) $ nodeLits n),
>>> "cube", "#990000")
>>>          | otherwise -> (c, "cube", "#990000")
>>>                    where z = itabLits (nodeInfo n)
>>>        where
>>>          showLit n = show (head $ nodeLits n)
>>> view a = do
>>>  U.clear srv
>>>  mapM_ renderNode nodes
>>>  mapM_ renderEdge edges
>>>    where
>>>      g = vacuum a
>>>      alist = toAdjList g
>>>      nodes = nub $ map fst alist ++ concatMap snd alist
>>>      edges = concatMap (\(n, ns) -> map ((,) n) ns) alist
>>>      style nid = maybe ("...", "cube", "#ff0000") nodeStyle
>>> (IntMap.lookup nid g)
>>>      renderNode nid = do
>>>           U.newVertexWithId srv nid
>>>           let (label, shape, color) = style nid
>>>           U.setVertexAttribute srv nid "label" label
>>>           U.setVertexAttribute srv nid "shape" shape
>>>           U.setVertexAttribute srv nid "color" color
>>>      renderEdge (a, b) = do
>>>           e <- U.newEdge srv a b
>>>           U.setEdgeAttribute srv e "stroke" "dotted"
>>>           U.setEdgeAttribute srv e "arrow" "true"
>>>      srv = U.defaultServer
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