On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Kalman Noel wrote:

Henning Thielemann schrieb:
with advanced type classes:

I'll take this as another opportunity to point out that the Haddock docs
of the Numeric Prelude are highly unreadable, due to all qualified class
and type names appearing as just C or T.

It's Haddock's fault. :-) I have written a Trac ticket, but trac.haskell.org does currently not respond.

I'm wondering, too, if the Numeric Prelude could be organized more cleanly if we had a fancier module system - does someone have sufficient experience with, say, ML-style module systems to tell?

Are you complaining about the organisation or about the identifiers? If you mean the former, then what organisation do you propose? If you mean the latter ... Many proposals about extended import facilities I saw were complicated and could simply be avoided using the naming style I use.
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