On Apr 5, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Kalman Noel wrote:

Henning Thielemann schrieb:
with advanced type classes:

I'll take this as another opportunity to point out that the Haddock docs of the Numeric Prelude are highly unreadable, due to all qualified class
and type names appearing as just C or T.

It's Haddock's fault. :-) I have written a Trac ticket, but trac.haskell.org does currently not respond.

I may be treading in murky waters here, but I do think a large part of the problem is that the Numeric Prelude has chosen to use ML naming conventions (which refer to types in a module as T, etc.) when you're writing a Haskell program. Surely if the types, classes, and so forth were given evocative names, numeric prelude programs would become readable? And as a special bonus, though it may offend your sensibilities, numeric prelude programs might be able to use unqualified import in certain circumstances?

-Jan-Willem Maessen
 [For each language, its own idiom!]
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