Hello café,

I'm trying to write an executable that depends on Yogurt-0.3, readline (indirectly) and hint. However, including hint in the build-depends field causes cabal to link the executable against editline instead of readline. Here is a small test case:

File: Test.cabal

Name: Test
Version: 0

Build-Type: Simple
Cabal-Version: >= 1.2

Executable test
  Main-Is:        Test.hs
  Build-Depends:  base, Yogurt, hint
  GHC-Options:    -threaded

File: Test.hs

module Main where

import Network.Yogurt

main:: IO ()
main = do
  connect "eclipse.cs.pdx.edu" 7680 (return ())

The example doesn't use any functions from hint, but simply mentioning it in the cabal file causes this behaviour. What's going on? How can I fix or work around this?

I am able to reproduce this behaviour in two configurations:
* Leopard Intel; cabal-install version 0.6.2, using version of the Cabal library; GHC 6.10.1 * Ubuntu; cabal-install version 0.6.2, using version of the Cabal library; GHC 6.10.2

Thank you very much in advance,

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