2009/04/25 Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH <allb...@ece.cmu.edu>:
> 2009/04/25 Jason Dusek:
>> I'd like to be able to translate Haskell to JavaScript.
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yhc/Javascript ?


>> Many Haskell/JS bridges provide libraries for writing
>> complete JavaScript programs in Haskell; some of them even
>> include jQuery. However, my goals are more limited -- I'd
>> like to be able to take a Haskell module and turn it into a
>> JavaScript object. For example, I'd like to write a nice
>> parser in
> That's not exactly limited; building a self-contained program
> is easier than producing something that seamlessly adapts
> between different runtimes with very different notions of how
> the world works.

  What I mean is a bucket of JavaScript functions. It would be
  fine to hide all the data constructors and type definitions.

Jason Dusek
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