I'd like this functionality, as well, but it doesn't exist, at least for Haskell.

If you don't need a 100% pure functional language, and don't need the bells and whistles of the Haskell type system, you might be interested in SML -- a purer relative of the more widely-known Ocaml.

There's a tool for converting SML to JavaScript: 

It allows you to export SML functions so they can be called by JavaScript.

Moreover, it has a reactive library built in, does pretty decent optimization, lets you manipulate the DOM, and is up to version 4.3.5. Haskell doesn't have anything close!


John A. De Goes
The Evolution of Collaboration

http://www.n-brain.net    |    877-376-2724 x 101

On Apr 25, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Jason Dusek wrote:

 I'd like to be able to translate Haskell to JavaScript.

 Many Haskell/JS bridges provide libraries for writing complete
 JavaScript programs in Haskell; some of them even include
 jQuery. However, my goals are more limited -- I'd like to be
 able to take a Haskell module and turn it into a JavaScript
 object. For example, I'd like to write a nice parser in
 Haskell and then reuse it on the client side. No need to
 handle all the DOM events or implement multi-threading.

 Of course, the place to start is by reading the commentary. A
 little bit of browsing suggests some questions of strategy:

.  Maybe a new backend is not the right thing? All the backends
   seem to be for real computers with real instruction sets.

.  Is it better to just work on transforming Core into JS
   directly? It seems that "External Core" is still in limbo.

.  Some translations strike me as baffling in principle. For
   example, a value like `ones`:

     ones = 1 : ones

   We'd want to avoid most native JavaScript containers, it
   seems; however, we are then unable to leverage the speed of
   native containers.

 It's entirely possible that translating Haskell to JavaScript
 may turn out not to be the best idea; maybe it is better to
 have a type class for types (for example, `Parser Char`) to
 provide their own translators? The it would be straightforward
 to prevent translation of programs that use concurrency libs,
 native ops or `IO`.

Jason Dusek
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