On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan <b...@serpentine.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 3:38 AM, Duncan Coutts <duncan.cou...@worc.ox.ac.uk
> > wrote:
>> I agree, if we can't use ++ then <> is the next best thing.
> Okay, here's a tentative plan that will help to figure out the answer. I'll
> build a fiddled base package that rewires the Monoid class to have (++) be
> the binary operator, and mappend as a synonym for it. I'll import the Monoid
> (++) into the Prelude. I'll see how much breaks. If that much builds
> smoothly, I'll see how much of the rest of Hackage builds, both with and
> without this custom base package. I'll follow up here with the results,
> along with a suggestion of how acceptable I think the observed level of
> breakage is.
> Seem reasonable?

It's more reasonable than sitting around waxing philosophical on the
notation I suppose :-)

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