On 8 Oct 2009, at 00:41, Curt Sampson wrote:

On 2009-10-02 09:03 -0600 (Fri), John A. De Goes wrote:

[Haskell] is missing many key libraries that would be of great
commercial value.

Just out of curiousity, can you give me some examples of what you feel
these are?

Relational database libraries that work and have proper documentation i.e. those homework killers - examples, not just API docs or half finished wikis. Just google up how to connect to a database in any well-used (commercially) language and there will be a ton of fully fleshed out docs with examples I can cut n paste from.* No thinking, no time wasted, just get it done and get on with the real stuff. Haskell doesn't have that, and Happs isn't going to replace all those databases out there. (yet)

*If you don't like the idea of cut n paste coding don't complain to me, it's given me a career and I'm grateful for that.


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