On 24 Oct 2009, at 07:47, Curt Sampson wrote:

 If you're doing something with any technological difficulty,
however, such as the next Twitter, Rails won't provide much of the help
you really need.

Twitter was (originally, at least) done using ROR. What is it that Haskell can do that Ruby can't when it comes to websites? What's the biggest website written in Haskell, for instance? What makes it so good?

http://www.radicalbehavior.com/5-question-interview-with-twitter- developer-alex-payne/

If you're in business, you're trying to keep your costs lower than your income. That means that a language with a stable code base, good/ many libraries, and a large pool of developers is a good choice. These things mean getting quicker to market, cheaper developers, and you can replace a developer if one leaves. No use having fancy pants code if you can't find anyone who understands it.


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