> All Lisps have "special forms" which are evaluated uniquely and differently 
> from function application and are therefore reserved words by another name. 
> For example, Clojure has def, if, do, let, var, quote, fn, loop, recur, 
> throw, try, monitor-enter, monitor-exit, dot, new and set!.

Yes, but the special forms are not distinguishable from user defined
macros --- and some Lisp-implemantations special forms are another
implementations macros.  E.g. you can choose to make `if' a macro that
expands to `cond' or vice versa.  I do not know whether you are
allowed to shadow the name of special-forms.

> If you count reserved tokens, I guess Lisp reserves parentheses and 
> whitespace?

Not if you are using Common Lisp.  There you can install reader-macros
that act on characters in the input-stream.  (Most macros act on stuff
in the already parsed syntrax tree.)

Forth is also a remarkably flexible language in this regard.

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