Eduard Sergeev schrieb:
Andrew Coppin wrote:
OK people, it's random statistics time!

OK, my version of meaningless statistics:

C++ (ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E)): 325 pages (712 including standard libraries)
C# (ECMA-334): 505 pages (language only)
Java: 450 pages (language only?)
Scala (2.7): 125 pages (157 including standard library)
Eiffel (ECMA-367): 160 pages (language only) ANSI SQL-92: 685 pages (language only)
Haskell-98: 77 pages (247 including Prelude)
Erlang (4.7.3) 162 pages (251 including builtin functions) Scheme (R5RS): 17 pages (45 including standard procedures)
Modula-3 is advertised for needing only 60 pages for the language definition.

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