On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Andrew Coppin
<andrewcop...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> James Russell wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce the Functional Programming Bibliography
>> at http://www.catamorphism.net/
>> I am eager for suggestions as to how the site could be made more
>> useful.
> As is traditional, my ISP's spam filter ate this email. *sigh*
> Anyway, I did a search for "Simon Peyton Jones" and got... zero results. o_O
> But on further investigation, searching just "Peyton Jones" delivers the
> expected deluge of hits. Maybe make the searching smarter? (Or just make a
> small note to search by last name only...)

I'll see what I can do about that.

> Also, I did a search, changed the sort criteria, and... the previously
> entered information was not presurved. Hopefully that isn't hard to fix.

Nope.  Fixed it already.  It was the first thing on my todo list, but I figured
that if I waited to get everything perfect, I would never get it out there
at all.

> This resource seems like a nice idea. There are a whole crocload of
> fascinating papers about GHC and program optimisation out there, but it
> tends to be a tad time-consuming to track them all down. Hopefully this site
> will make things significantly easier in that department.
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