I desperation, I've tried to instrument a couple of the functions in SendFile:

> sendFile'' :: Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
> sendFile'' outs inp off count =
>     do let out_fd = Fd (fdSocket outs)
>        in_fd <- handleToFd inp
>        putStrLn ("in_fd=" ++ show in_fd)
>        finally (wrapSendFile' _sendFile out_fd in_fd off count)
>                (do
>                  putStrLn ("SENDFILE DONE " ++ show in_fd)
>                )
> sendFile' :: Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
> sendFile' outs infp offset count =
>     bracket
>        (openBinaryFile infp ReadMode)
>        (\h -> do
>          putStrLn "CLOSING FILE!"
>          hClose h
>          putStrLn "FILE CLOSED!")
>        (\inp -> sendFile'' outs inp offset count)

(Yes, this made me feel dirty.)

Here's the resulting output from around when the file descriptor gets lost:

Serving file 'X'...
Sending 674465792 bytes... in_fd=7 SENDFILE DONE 7 CLOSING FILE! FILE CLOSED! hums: Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux: resource vanished (Broken pipe) Got request for CONTENT for objectId=1700000000000000,f215040000000000
Serving file 'X'...
Sending 672892928 bytes... in_fd=7 SENDFILE DONE 7 CLOSING FILE! FILE CLOSED! hums: Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux: resource vanished (Broken pipe) Got request for CONTENT for objectId=1700000000000000,f215040000000000
Serving file 'X'...
Sending 670140416 bytes... in_fd=7

<*----- What happened here?

Got request for CONTENT for objectId=1700000000000000,f215040000000000
Serving file 'X'...
Sending 667256832 bytes... in_fd=9 SENDFILE DONE 9 CLOSING FILE! FILE CLOSED! hums: Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux: resource vanished (Broken pipe) Got request for CONTENT for objectId=1700000000000000,f215040000000000
Serving file 'X'...
Sending 665028608 bytes... in_fd=9 SENDFILE DONE 9 CLOSING FILE! FILE CLOSED! hums: Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux: resource vanished (Broken pipe) Got request for CONTENT for objectId=1700000000000000,f215040000000000
Serving file 'X'...

Anyone got any clues as to what might cause the behavior show at the mark?

The only idea I have is that *something* in the SendFile library kills the thread completely (or somehow evades "finally"), but I have no idea what it might be.


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