Bardur Arantsson wrote:
Bardur Arantsson wrote:

(sorry about replying-to-self)

During yet another bout of debugging, I've added even more "I am here" instrumentation code to the SendFile code, and the culprit seems to be
 > threadWaitWrite.

As Jeremy Shaw pointed out off-list, the symptoms are also consistent
with a thread that simply gets stuck in threadWaitWrite.

I've tried a couple of different solutions to this based on starting a
separate thread to enforce a timeout on threadWaitWrite (using throwTo).

It seems to work to prevent the file descriptor leak, but causes GHC
to segfault after a while. Probably some sort of other resource exhaustion
since my code is just an evil hack:

> killer :: MVar () -> ThreadId -> IO ()
> killer dontKill otherThread = do
>        threadDelay 5000
>        x <- tryTakeMVar dontKill
>        case x of
>           Just _ -> putStrLn "Killer thread expired"
>           Nothing -> throwTo otherThread (Overflow)

where the relevant bit of sendfile reads:

>    mtid <- myThreadId
>    dontKill <- newEmptyMVar
>    forkIO $ killer dontKill mtid
>    threadWaitWrite out_fd
>    putMVar dontKill ()

So I'm basically creating a thread for every single "threadWaitWrite" operation
(which is a lot in this case).

Anyone got any ideas on a simpler way to handle this? Maybe I should just
report a bug for threadWaitWrite? IMO threadWaitWrite really should
throw some sort of IOException if the FD goes dead while it's waiting.

I suppose an alternative way to try to work around this would be by forcing the 
socket into blocking (as opposed to non-blocking) mode, but I can't figure out 
how to
do this on GHC 6.10.x -- I only see setNonBlockingFD which doesn't take a 
unlike its 6.12.x counterpart.


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