On 2010-02-24 20:50, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
tcpdump 'host ps3 and tcp[tcpflags] & 0x27 != 0'

(Indulging in some serious thread necromancy here, but...)

Alright, I've _finally_ got round to doing a dump with leaking file descriptors (or threads as the case may be).

The bits of lsof output of the leaked file descriptors looks like this (sorry about the wrapping):

hums 2084 bardur 36u sock 0,6 0t0 45022400 can't identify protocol hums 2084 bardur 37r REG 0,23 733054976 267762 THE_MOVIE.avi

So pairs of FDs are being held up by sendfile when the PS3 disconnects. The number of such pairs in this test run was 16.

I've attached the gzipped output from tcpdump.

The only striking thing I can see about the dump is that there are 22 (conspicuously close to 16) sequences like:

19:45:30.135291 IP > gwendolyn.9000: Flags [R], seq 2112225068, win 0, length 0 19:45:30.135295 IP > gwendolyn.9000: Flags [R], seq 2112225068, win 0, length 0 19:45:30.135299 IP > gwendolyn.9000: Flags [R], seq 2112225068, win 0, length 0 19:45:30.135302 IP > gwendolyn.9000: Flags [R], seq 2112225068, win 0, length 0

My tcpdump-fu is rather limited, so I'm not really sure what this actually means... any input much appreciated.


Attachment: dump_with_leaking_fds.log.gz
Description: application/gzip

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