I understand the advantages to splitting into multiple pages, but on
the other hand it *does* make it more difficult to locate information.
My guess is a good search function on the wiki will make that point
moot. Overall, looks like you've done a great job, thanks! A few minor

* Should we rename HAppS to Happstack everywhere?
* Does pass.net still exist anywhere? Same for parallel web.
* Should older, unmaintained stuff (Wash, for example) be removed
entirely, placed on its own page or be obviously marked as


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Christopher Done
<chrisd...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Decided to move this to a separate thread. I went ahead and refactored
> the wiki entries:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Web
> Now we have the following Web/ sections:
> Servers
> Frameworks
> Interfaces to frameworks
> Databases and Persistence
> Libraries
> Testing and Verification
> Content Management
> and
> Forums and Discussion
> Literature (research, talks and blogs)
> Existing Haskell web applications
> Ongoing projects and ideas
> And Web/Libraries has the following sections:
> URLs and Routing
> Templating
> Sessions and Authentication
> Forms
> JavaScript and AJAX
> I will add all these pages to the Web category, but not yet, I want to
> get rid of this page:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/?title=Applications_and_libraries/Web_programming
> I've nearly finished moving all of it to organised sections in this
> new hierarchy. The advantage of doing this is that I have to manually
> check each thing listed and I discover that quite a few are dead links
> and no longer maintained.
> Ideally this page http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Web/Frameworks
> would have a list of all actually active web projects, and those would
> be listed at the top, or perhaps there should be another page
> Web/Frameworks/Active or whatnot.
> Anyone care to help take this page apart Applications and
> libraries/Web programming and move it to reasonable pages?
> Thoughts?
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