On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:59 AM, Mark Lentczner <ma...@glyphic.com> wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:
>> I'm worried about spam accounts being featured on
>> the homepage. Real Haskeller is not meant to be exclusive, it's a
>> minimal level of oversight by the admins.
> A more common approach to the problem of spam accounts -- which is very real 
> -- is to not allow accounts to appear before they have been vetted by an 
> admin. Allowing accounts to appear on the site as they are created will, 
> sooner or later, result in the site being over run with spam faster than you 
> can keep up.
> For the community site I help run (http://www.contextfreeart.org/) had this 
> problem a while back and we switched to all accounts being vetted. We use 
> http://www.stopforumspam.com/ as source of information to easily help us make 
> that determination.

That may very well be the direction we need to take it. For the
moment, since spam has *not* been a problem yet, I've erred on the
side of being too liberal. But if necessary, I can convert the "real
Haskeller" status to indicate whether an account is shown at all or

However, this may never be necessary: I'm not sure how much it bothers
me that a spam account could appear at the very bottom of the search
listings. And the feeling on this list seems to be for *less* admin
control, not more. But as I said, all options such as this are in

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