On 18/10/10 21:56, Andrew Coppin wrote:
>  On 18/10/2010 07:47 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Might it be worthwhile to take the elected "superusers" on
>> haskellers.com <http://haskellers.com> and let them police the skills
>> list? It's become rather messy, with overly broad terms like
>> "Mathematics" in it, as well as overly specific ones like "Other
>> languages I know: C# .NET, XSLT, Microsoft SQL Server, XML, SQL, CSS,
>> C, C++, Java, HTML, Visual Basic Script, Pascal, Rexx, Basic and
>> assembler".
> ...I thought *I* was the only person who's ever heard of Rexx?

Every amiga user is very likely to have heard of rexx, as a close
relative to
it was included in AmigaOS at some point.


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org           Jabber: magnus@therning.org
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