Tks for the answer,
the data structure of Either is:

data  Either a b  =  Left a | Right b   deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

one example of what i want convert is:

No dia 22 de Outubro de 2010 04:58, Dan Piponi <> escreveu:

> André Batista Martins asked:
> >  i want convert  "Either" to a tree.
> >  Example:
> >                   Either ( Either  1 2 ) ( Either 3 4)     ---- >
> > Branch ( Branch (Leafl 1)  (Leafr2) ) ( Branch (Leafl 3)  (Leafr4)) )
> Before writing the function to convert your data structure, why not
> try writing down the precise type signature you expect it to have.
> In fact, before that, try writing down the precise type signature of
> the thing you call an "Either".
> --
> Dan
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