On 22/10/10 09:23, André Batista Martins wrote:
Tks for the answer,
the data structure of Either is:

data   Either  a  b   =   Left  a  |  Right  b    deriving  (Eq,  Ord,  Read,  

one example of what i want convert is:

The problem here is that the type of Left () is:

> Either () a

The type of Left (Left ()) is:

> Either (Either () a) b

The type of Right (Left (Left ())) is:

> Either c (Either (Either () a) b)

and finally, the type of Left (Right (Left (Left ()))) is:

> Either (Either c (Either (Either () a) b)) d

That is, each level in the tree must have a different type. For this reason, you can't sensibly use Either for tree types of varying depth (a type-class would help, but I doubt it's what you want). A sensible type for a tree is the one you gave in your original post, TreeE. So why do you want to encode the tree with Either (not really possible) and then convert to your TreeE type? Why not just start out with the values in your tree type?


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