2010/10/27 Günther Schmidt <gue.schm...@web.de>:
> Hi everyone,
> this post is to argue my own case.
> Today I have made the most upsetting experience of being called a troll,
> twice.
> I have posted to this list for over 3 years now and until lately it was an
> enlightening experience. The responses to my questions have usually been
> helpful and friendly.
> But for some time now, I have noticed that the tone on this list has
> changed. It seems to have become ok to respond quite brutally and without
> regard for the other persons feelings. It also seems to have become ok to
> chime in. For some reason it has become acceptable to politicalize a subject
> at the earliest convenience and take the gloves off.

I'm in favor of keeping personal accusations off of this list. Calling
someone a troll on a public list isn't really helpful to the

In extreme cases, I think some folks have the ability to moderate the
list - so it isn't like we need to resort to public personal attacks
to keep the discussion productive.

> I am 42 now and am surprised how much this still hurts, after all I survived
> the schoolyard bullies and who would have thought that these times would
> ever come again?
> I urge you, my fellow haskellers, to show some restraint when we are dealing
> with one another on this list. And to think twice before you launch a
> personal attack.
> Günther
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