On Sat, 30 Oct 2010, Mark Lentczner wrote:

5) It does not make sense for users to configure colors or fonts for web sites any more than it would for magazines or books.

For fancy layouts we have PDF. For me, HTML is an online format that shall be as adaptive as possible to font size, window size, screen resolution and other parameters.

6) Over the Summer the new style was made available on the web for people to look out for several months, and at one point I conducted a poll. In that poll only 81% preferred the newer look, and only 11% preferred the older.

Somehow I missed that poll, and it seems others have, too.

Two notes on the Classic style:

The package field names like Version, Dependencies, License are centered, which was not the case in the original style. Also in the original style the table cells had a grey background, what I found quite useful for recognizing the table structure.
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