On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Larry Evans <cppljev...@suddenlink.net>wrote:

> suggested to me that bifold might be similar to the function, Q, of
> section 12.5 equation 1) on p. 15 of:
>  http://www.thocp.net/biographies/papers/backus_turingaward_lecture.pdf
> Now Q takes just 1 argument, a function.  Also, the f function defined
> with Q can be short-circuited, IOW, it may not process all the
> elements is a list.  Also, it may not even act on a list; however,
> that just means it's more general and could be easily specialized to
> just act on lists.
> Anyway, I'll reproduce some of the reference's section 12.5 here:
>    f == p -> q; Q(f)
>  where:
>    Q(k) == h <*> [i, k<*>j]
>  and where(by p. 4 of reference):
>    <*> is the function composition operator:
>       (f <*> g) x == f(g(x))
>  and where(by p. 9 of reference):
>    [f,g] x = <f x, g x>
>  and where(by p. 8 of reference)
>    <x1,x2,...,xn> is a sequence of objects, x1,x2,...xn (like
>      haskell's tuple: (x1,x2,...,xn)
>  and where(by p. 8 of reference):
>      (p -> g; h)(x) means "if p(x) then do g(x) else do h(x)"
>  for any functions, k, p, g, h, i, j.
> p. 16 provides a nice shorthand for the result of that function:
>  Q^n(g) = /h<*>[i,i<*>j,...,i<*>j^(n-1),g<*>J^n
> where:
>  f^n = f<*>f<*>....<*> f  for n applications of f
>  /h<*>[f1,f2,...,fn] is defined on p. 13 of reference.

Thanks, Larry, this is some interesting stuff.

I'm not sure yet whether Q is equivalent - it may be, but I haven't been
able to thoroughly grok it yet.

For uniformity, I shifted the notation you gave to Haskell:

  (.^) :: (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> a
  f .^ 0 = id
  f .^ n = f . (f .^ (n - 1))

  (./) :: (b -> c -> c) -> [a -> b] -> (a->c) -> a -> c
  (./) = flip . foldr . \h f g -> h <$> f <*> g

  _Q_ :: (b -> c -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a) -> (a -> c) -> a -> c
  _Q_ h i j k = h <$> i <*> (k . j)

So the shorthand just states the equivalence of (_Q_ h i j) .^ n and (./) h
[ i . (j .^ m) | m <- [0 .. n-1] ] . ( . (j .^ n))

Looking at it that way, we can see that (_Q_ h i j) .^ n takes some initial
value, unpacks it into a list of size n+1 (using i as the iterate function),

derives a base case value from the final value (and some function k) maps
the initial values into a new list, then foldrs over them.

The _f_ function seems to exist to repeat _Q_ until we reach some stopping
condition (rather than n times)

  _f_ :: (b -> c -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> c) ->
a -> c
 _f_ h i j p q a = if p a then q a else _Q_ h i j (_f_ h i j p q) a

No simple way to pass values from left to right pops out at me, but I don't
doubt that bifold could be implemented in foldr, and therefore there should
be *some* way.

I'll have to give the paper a thorough reading (which, I apologize, I
haven't had time to do yet).  Thanks again!
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