On 12/01/10 21:35, Larry Evans wrote:
> Hi Noah,
> The attached is my attempt at reproducing your code
> However, ghci compilation of bifold produces an error message:
>   BifoldIfRecur.hs:20:19: parse error on input `='
Apparently I had some extra leading spaces in the last line.
Taking those out (as shown in attached) results in a good
reading of the file by ghci.

    Test bifold code shown in post:

module Bifold where
  bifold :: (l -> a -> r -> (r,l)) -> (l,r) -> [a] -> (r,l)
  bifold _ (l,r) [] = (r,l)
  bifold f (l,r) (a:as) = (ra,las)
   where (ras,las) = bifold f (la,r) as
         (ra,la) = f l a ras
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