On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

essentially, it creates a matrix of 1d splines, but now I see that this isn't what you wanted...

for interpolated 2d matrix lookup, something like this, perhaps:

Interpolated matrix or vector lookup can of course be written as interpolation of sub-matrices or sub-vectors. For lazy matrices and vectors this would be almost as efficient.

interp i v =
   vectorIndex (floor i) $
   interpolateVectorSpace (fraction i)
      (Vector.take (n-3) $ Vector.drop 0 v)
      (Vector.take (n-3) $ Vector.drop 1 v)
      (Vector.take (n-3) $ Vector.drop 2 v)
      (Vector.take (n-3) $ Vector.drop 3 v)

(Sorry for the many fictional functions.)

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