I noticed this problem some time ago. Beyond just breaking monadic 
associativity, there are many other issues with standard definitions of 

1. It does not make sense in general to bind with an iteratee that has already 
consumed input, but there's no type-level difference between a "virgin" 
iteratee and one that has already consumed input;

2. Error recovery is ill-defined because errors do not describe what portion of 
the input they have already consumed;

3. Iteratees sometimes need to manage resources, but they're not designed to do 
so which leads to hideous workarounds;

4. Iteratees cannot incrementally produce output, it's all or nothing, which 
makes them terrible for many real world problems that require both incremental 
input and incremental output.

Overall, I regard iteratees as only a partial success. They're leaky and 
somewhat unsafe abstractions.

I'm experimenting with Mealy machines because I think they have more long-term 
promise to solve the problems of iteratees.


John A. De Goes
Twitter: @jdegoes 
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/jdegoes

On Mar 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, John Millikin wrote:

> On Mar 26, 10:46 am, Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com> wrote:
>> As far as the left-over data in a yield issue: does that require a
>> breaking API change, or a change to the definition of >>= which would
>> change semantics??
> It requires a pretty serious API change, as the definition of
> 'Iteratee' itself is at fault. Unfortunately, Oleg's new definitions
> also have problems (they can yield extra on a continue step), so I'm
> at a bit of a loss as to what to do. Either way, underlying primitives
> allow users to create iteratees with invalid/undefined behavior. Not
> very Haskell-y.
> All of the new high-level functions added in recent versions are part
> of an attempted workaround. I'd like to move the Iteratee definitions
> themselves to a ``Data.Enumerator.Internal`` module, and add some
> words discouraging their direct use. There would still be some API
> breaks (the >>== , $$, and >==> operators would go away) but at least
> clients wouldn't be subjected to a complete rewrite.
> Since the API is being broken anyway, I'm also going to take the
> opportunity to change the Stream type so it can represent "EOF + some
> data". That should allow lots of interesting behaviors, such as
> arbitrary lookahead.
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