On Mar 26, 2011, at 4:24 PM, Mario Blažević wrote:
> On 11-03-26 04:33 PM, John A. De Goes wrote:
>     Out of curiosity, have you looked at the monad-coroutine library? It's a 
> more generic and IMO much cleaner model, though I wouldn't recommend it as a 
> replacement because the enumerator and iteratee libraries come with more 
> predefined plumbing. I think your point #1 still stands, but others can all 
> be made to disappear - as long as you define your suspension functors 
> properly.

I haven't looked at it. I will take a look.

>     Do you mean a sort of a transducer monad transformer or an actual finite 
> state machine? The latter would seem rather restrictive.

Yes, I mean transducer monad transformer, especially if you equate "mealy 
machine" with "finite state machine". I equate mealy machine with "two-taped 


John A. De Goes
Twitter: @jdegoes 
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/jdegoes

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