On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Kevin Quick <qu...@sparq.org> wrote:
> $ cabal update
> $ cabal install hakyll
> Resolving dependencies...
> cabal: dependencies conflict: ghc-6.12.3 requires unix == however
> unix- was excluded because ghc-6.12.3 requires unix ==
> $
> Any advice (other than upgrading to 7.0.3, which is not an option at the
> moment)?

You can run the build with verbose output (--verbose=3) and get more
details about why the impossible dependencies were required, or you
can build your application (whatever relies on hakyll) with cabal-dev
-- I've been able to build hakyll that way on my machine with
ghc-6.12.3, so I suspect there is some unexpected dependency in your
local package db that is causing cabal to make a series of undesirable
version selections.


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