On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Kevin Quick <qu...@sparq.org> wrote:
> With --verbose=3 this appears to be post-link running cabal-dev itself:
> $ cabal install cabal-dev --verbose=3

Could you send me (or post to hpaste) the complete output of 'cabal
install cabal-dev --verbose=3' ?


> ...
> *** Deleting temp files:
> Deleting:
> link: linkables are ...
> LinkableM (Wed Apr 20 16:14:58 MST 2011) main:Main
>   [DotO /tmp/cabal-dev-]
> Linking /tmp/cabal-dev- ...
> *** Linker:
> ...[verbose GCC output elided]...
> rtend.o /nix/store/l8x3fdy1r6zf441vnqa87lzsvxrjbdz9-glibc-2.11.1/lib/crtn.o
> link: done
> *** Deleting temp files:
> Deleting:
> *** Deleting temp dirs:
> Deleting: /tmp/ghc13224_0
> /tmp/cabal-dev- configure
> --verbose=3 --ghc --prefix=/home/kquick/.cabal --user --flags=-build-tests
> --flags=-no-cabal-dev --extra-include-dirs=/home/kquick/.nix-profile/include
> --extra-lib-dirs=/home/kquick/.nix-profile/lib --constraint=Cabal ==
> --constraint=HTTP ==4000.1.1 --constraint=base ==
> --constraint=bytestring == --constraint=directory ==
> --constraint=filepath == --constraint=mtl ==
> --constraint=network == --constraint=pretty ==
> --constraint=process == --constraint=tar == --constraint=zlib
> ==
> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
> cabal-dev- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
> ExitFailure 11
> $
> --
> -KQ

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