On 2011 May 24, at 22:30, Gwern Branwen wrote:

@check these days goes through mueval. Are you sure mueval is
installed & working?

Au contraire: I am sure that mueval was *not* installed. (Am I justified to be a just a little bit annoyed that it was not installed as a dependency by cabal install? Or that there was no indication whatsoever that mueval's absence was the cause of the problem?)

Now that I have installed it explicitly myself, I do seem to make some more progress, but it's still far short of the ideal:

lambdabot> check True
  unrecognized option `--loadfile='
 Usage: mueval [OPTION...] --expression EXPRESSION...
-p PASSWORD --password=PASSWORD The password for the mubot account. If this is set, mueval will attempt to setuid to the mubot user. This is optional, as it requires the mubot user to be
set up properly. (Currently a null-op.)

[etc. etc.]

You can try running the tests.sh script which
will exercise the QuickCheck functionality among other things.

This, AFAICT, seems to go just fine. There's lots of output with which I won't spam you, other than to say that it includes the text "OK, all the valid expressions worked out well. Now let's test various misbehaved expressions". The last line of the output is "<IO <>>".

So, it seems that I am now faced with the problem of getting lambdabot and mueval to talk to each other sensibly. Any pointers would be gratefully received.

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