On Wed, 25 May 2011 13:20:19 +0200, Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generow...@cern.ch> 
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for your wonderfully lucid, concise and complete explanation of  
> the problem and its solution (included below).
> When I apply your patch and reinstall lambabot, I now get the  
> following problem:
> lambdabot> check True
>    Could not find module `ShowIO`:
>     It is a member of the hidden package `show-0.3.4`.
>     Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
> I recognize the message about -v as a ghci one. How could I inject  
> this -v into lambabot ?

Hi Jacek,

I don't know how to inject the -v into lambdabot, I guess I must
of debugged this earlier by grep'ing in the lambdabot and show source
files for ShowIO.

> I get the same error on both of the machines on which I am trying  
> this. On one of them I already have show-0.3.4 and show-, on  
> the other I have only show-
> Any suggestions?

The show module names were changed in the upgrade from show 0.3.4 to
show  On gentoo I conditionally sed lambdabot to account
for this, then print out a note that the user may need to copy
the State/* files, in particular L.hs and Pristine.hs for this problem,
to ~/.lambdabot/State.

src_prepare() {
        cd "${S}"
        epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-eval.patch"
        if has_version "<dev-haskell/mtl-"; then
                epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-mtl-1.patch"
        if has_version ">=dev-haskell/show-"; then
                sed -e 's@import ShowIO@import ShowFun@' \
                        -i "${S}/State/L.hs" \
                        -i "${S}/State/Pristine.hs" \
                        || die "Could patch State/L.hs and State/Pristine.hs 
for show upgrade"

pkg_postinst() {
        elog "It may be necessary to: mkdir -p ~/.lambdabot/State && cp 
/usr/share/lambdabot-*/ghc-*/State/* ~/.lambdabot/State"

Thanks, Mark

PS the lambdabot gentoo ebuild is here:
> On 2011 May 25, at 06:06, Mark Wright wrote:
> > Hi Jacek and Gwern,
> >
> > In the upgrade from mueval from 0.8 to 0.8.1, some of the mueval  
> > command
> > line options were changed:
> >
> > --loadfile  =>  --load-file
> > --noimports =>  --no-imports
> >
> > For Plugins/Check.hs I change --loadfile to -l.
> >
> > To convince lambdabot to run on gentoo, I patch it to use --no- 
> > imports to
> > avoid this problem:
> >
> > % mueval -e '1 + 2'
> > Ambiguous module name `Control.Monad.Cont':
> >  it was found in multiple packages:
> >  monads-fd- mtl- monads-tf-
> > %
> >
> > And I patch the lambdabot /usr/share/lambdabot- 
> > State/L.hs
> > to used -XPackageImports.  Then mueval works:
> >
> > % mueval --no-imports -l ~/.lambdabot/State/L.hs -e '1 + 2'
> > 3
> > %
> >
> > And lambdabot works:
> >
> > % lambdabot
> > Initialising  
> > plugins ................................................... done.
> > lambdabot> @check True
> >  +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
> > "OK, passed 100 tests."
> > lambdabot>
> >
> > The patch is here:
> >
> > https://github.com/markwright/gentoo-haskell/blob/master/dev-haskell/lambdabot/files/lambdabot-
> >
> > Regards, Mark
> >
> >

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