Ae you looking to do this in a web application, or client-side?  Since one
of your requirements is to display a typeset equation, that makes a bit of
difference.  In a web-based setting, the best way to do that is probably
MathML, whereas a GUI will be a bit harder.
On Jun 9, 2011 8:24 AM, "Jacek Generowicz" <> wrote:
> Greetings Cafe,
> What would you recommend as a Haskell-based means of interactively
> reading and writing mathematical formulae?
> As a toy example, what might I use to write a program which presents
> the user with
> Please simplify the expression: \pi x^2 + 3\pi x^2
> (Where the TeX-style expression would be presented with a greek pi and
> superscript twos on the xs.)
> The user should then have the ability to reply with something that
> looks like the result of TeXing
> 5 \pi x^2
> Whatever means the user uses to enter this expression, he should be
> able to preview the "typeset" version of his input before submitting.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
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