Michael Snoyman wrote:

> I'm wondering what the most appropriate way to handle this is.

Just to get my thoughts in order I'll back track a little.

In the HTTP repsonse, we have two header fields, content-type
and content-encoding. For the later (which may be absent) we can
have encodings of gzip or chunked (possibly others).

Some examples:

    content-type   content-encoding   current practice
    text/html      gzip               gunzip it in H.E.
    text/html      chunked            unchunk it in H.E.

For the case where H.E might be used as part of a HTTP proxy
we also have a rawBody option that disables both the unchunking
and the gunzipping. This rawBody functionality works now; I'm
using it.

We now add to the above a file type where the content-type is
application/x-tar and the content-encoding is gzipped but from
the filename part of the URL, a user may well expect that
we get a tar.gz file but where H.E. currently gunzips it on
the fly.

So, on to your suggestion:

> Maybe a dontDecompress record, looking like:
>     type ContentType = ByteString
>     dontDecompress :: ContentType -> Bool
> Then browser behavior would be:
>     browserDecompress = (== "application/x-tar")
> and current behavior would be:
>     defaultDecompress = const False

I think we should invert the logic of this (to avoid
double negatives) so we have:

     type ContentType = ByteString
     decompress :: ContentType -> Bool

     browserDecompress = (/== "application/x-tar")
     defaultDecompress = const True

Was the idea that this decompress field then gets added to
the Request record?

If so, would simpleHttp be modified to be:

   simpleHttp :: String -> (ContentType -> Bool) -> m L.ByteString

and exporting both browserDecompress and defaultDecompress so
they can be used as two sane defaults for the second parameter?

Erik de Castro Lopo

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