Alright, with another box of different version of ghc and things. I
finally got the cause.
Or may I say as simple as Ozgun said, ghc 7.4.1 defaultly uses
optimization. ghc-7.4.1 -O0 works. ghc-7.2.2 also works.

Thank you all.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Chris Dornan <> wrote:
> By configuration of the OpenLDAP client library I mean mostly so that SSL 
> connections will work, but this is all system-level configuration.
> That GHC establishes connections in interactive mode for you indicates that 
> the problem is not with the LDAP systems, but that something peculiar is 
> going wrong with your GHC installation.
> Do you have only the one GHC installation on the system; is there any chance 
> that ghc and ghci could be selecting different installations?
> Is it easy for you to try connecting with GHC-7.0.4? It would be worth a try 
> if you can -- it might be a 7.4.1 oddity but it looks as if it could be some 
> kind of GHC mis-installation.
> (If trying this with GHC-7.0.4 would be bothersome I would be interested to 
> hear more; which O/S are you using?)
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magicloud Magiclouds []
> Sent: 27 May 2012 10:12
> To: Chris Dornan
> Cc: Brandon Allbery; Haskell-Cafe
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is the difference between runhaskell and 
> compile?
> Hi,
>  Sorry for the delayed reply. I am using ghc 7.4.1 and LDAP 0.6.6.
>  When you said "configuration of the OpenLDAP client library", may I have 
> more information? Since ldap-utils and other client (php, perl,
> etc) do not have any problem. This might be the only clue to me.
> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Chris Dornan <> wrote:
>> I have been using LDAP with GHC without a problem – I get this error
>> often but the problems have been with the configuration of the
>> OpenLDAP client library or the OpenLDAP server.
>> We are all taking about LDAP-0.6.6? Which version of GHC are we
>> talking about? (I don’t think I have tested this on GHC-7.4.1, and
>> maybe the others haven’t either.)
>> Chris
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Allbery
>> Sent: 25 May 2012 04:21
>> To: Magicloud Magiclouds
>> Cc: Haskell-Cafe
>> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is the difference between runhaskell
>> and compile?
>> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>>  The code could not be simpler. Just ldapInit, ldapSimpleBind.
>>  I just found that the code works with ghci, too. So to sum up,
>> ghci/runhaskell works, ghc not.
>> A possibility that occurs to me:  does it by any chance work with ghc
>> -threaded?  Perhaps the issue relates to the different behavior of the
>> threaded runtime (which is used automatically by ghci/runghc).
>> --
>> brandon s allbery
>> wandering unix systems administrator (available)
>> (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
> --
> 竹密岂妨流水过
> 山高哪阻野云飞
> And for G+, please use


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