Simon Marlow wrote:

How about an even simpler solution:

 *All* pattern and variable bindings are monomorphic unless a type
 signature is given.

I wonder how much code this would break?  ... I'd be very
interested to tweak this in GHC and see how much code still passes the
type checker.

Now that IS an interesting idea. The more I think about it, the more I like it. I suspect very few programs would break, because in many cases such a definition is not only
polymorphic but also overloaded, and so already carries a type signature.

Actually, I find the need to specify type signatures to get overloading awkward already --but I don't think needing to do so for purely polymorphic variable bindings would be significantly more awkward. I find the right context is often quite hard to predict, and I want to use Hugs or GHCi to compute it rather than figure it out myself. Moreover, I don't like needing to maintain such type signatures when I change code elsewhere. (For example, if I've used association lists as look-up tables, then I'll have Eq constraints on many definitions, and if I then change that to ordered binary trees then I suddenly need to change all those Eqs to Ords. I've known cases where the work needed to do that maintentance was so great that the desirable change to the program could not be made within the time available for the project.) However, this is reasonably a separate problem, which I don't think is made significantly worse by your idea. Perhaps it'll be solved (e.g. by partial type signatures), perhaps not, but in either case I like your suggestion.

One more thought. Perhaps we could indicate polymorphism/monomorphism separately from writing a type signature. Suppose, when we want a polymorphic or overloaded
variable definition, we were to write

   poly x = e

Likewise, when we want a monomorphic function definition, we could write

   mono f x y z = e

Then we could concisely indicate our intention, while leaving open the possibility of
using Hugs or GHCi to compute type signatures, or leaving them out to reduce
that part of the maintentance effort. Arguably, writing

   poly x = e

gives a clearer warning that something funny is going on--i.e. there is a risk of repeated computation--than writing a type signature which you then have to examine, to see whether or not it contains a class constraint. But of course, this idea would mean more changes to existing code, adding a poly before variable definitions that currently carry an overloaded type signature. Although since it would be an error to write such a type signature on a definition NOT marked as poly, finding the right places to add it would
simply be a matter of recompiling and fixing the errors found.

The more I think about it--and recalling that a type signature need not be written anywhere near the definition it refers to--the more I think using type signatures to carry vital
information about the *semantics* of a definition is a bad idea.


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