On 2006 mrt 09, at 1:54, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
I agree with it being complicated.  I don't know of any compiler
that implements it correctly.  Do you say your combinators do?

At least we think so. The way to use it is e.g.:

pExprPrefix = sem_Expr_Let <$ pKey "let" <*> pDecls <* pKey "in"

pDecls          =    foldr sem_Decls_Cons sem_Decls_Nil
<$> pBlock pOCurly pSemi pCCurly pDecl

pDecl = sem_Decl_Val <$> pPatExprBase <* pKey "=" <*> pExpr <|> sem_Decl_TySig <$> pVar <* pKey "::" <*> pTyExpr

in which the pBlock takes care of the offside rule, in cooperation with the scanner.

That said, I don't think it can be replaced easily without breaking
existing code, so I'm unwilling to change unless someone can show
an alternative that handles 99.9% of the existing code.

There are solutions to this kind of transitions. Compilers could admit the old rule, and emit a warning when e.g. the --this-is- supposed-to-be-strictly-haskell-prime flag is passed. One might also equip a compiler to transform one's program into the new standard.


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